Please join us tomorrow, Friday, September 11, 2020 at 10:30 am EDT/9:30 am CDT for this week’s Backchannel videocast featuring Srdja Trifković, foreign affairs editor for Chronicles magazine, discussing the ongoing tensions between China and India, the implications of China's rediscovery of its long-neglected sea power, and what the future may hold for the U.S. and the Indo-Pacific region.
The Middle East, traditionally seen as the most volatile region on Earth, seems unusually calm these days. Israel is expanding its ties with the Arab world, the civil war in Syria is winding down, and Iran will gladly trade its threadbare nuclear program for the lifting of sanctions. The new geopolitical chessboard, which may turn into the proverbial powder keg sooner than we suspect, is the pan region from the Subcontinent in the southwest to the Kurils in the northeast.
China and India, both with populations exceeding 1 billion people, have seen rising tensions this summer along the disputed “Line of Actual Control”, which divides the two Asian giants. The military clashes may be seen as physical manifestations of the rising cultural and economic competition between the Chinese and Indians for influence in the region. Unfortunately, the U.S. may be tempted to get involved.
Of the situation, Srdja wrote in a recent Chronicles article: “As for America, the prudent strategy is to let the two Asian giants sort out their mutual relations as they see fit. The danger is real that an overt expression of U.S. support for Modi, let alone a formal alliance which would bring the U.S. Navy into Indian ports, would increase the risk of some future crisis between Washington and Beijing spiraling out of control.”
Just this week, India and China again accused each other of border incursions involving shots fired – violating the uneasy peace agreements. So, what does the future hold for the region? Is a war really likely? And, if so, can the United States stay out of it? Srdja Trifković will be discussing these questions and more.
Please join us tomorrow Friday, September 11, 2020 at 10:30 am EDT/9:30 am CDT for this critical and insightful discussion! Simply click one of the links below.
Click here to view on Intellectual Takeout Facebook page
Click here to view on Charlemagne Institute YouTube channel
As always, a large part of the program will be reserved for viewer and listener questions! Comment during the broadcast via these social platforms or email your questions regarding the presentation to [email protected]. We will answer selected questions at the end of the presentation.
We look forward to hosting you!