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Ask your Rep to Cosponsor Peaceful Protests Act
September 10, 2020
Pittsburgh is the latest city that has been victim to violent protests. While the left and mainstream media continually label these protests as “peaceful,” we know that’s far from the truth. These protests have led to violent confrontations, the demolition of private property, and heavy looting of cities. There’s nothing peaceful about these gatherings and they couldn’t be farther from the vision our Founding Fathers had for the First Amendment and specifically the “right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
What’s even more maddening about these protests is that the participants seem to be immune to the COVID-19 government-mandated guidelines to which the rest of the U.S. is subject. There’s been little to no talk or even a sense of frustration towards protestors who obviously are not following 6-foot social distancing from the leftists and are most likely benefitting from the hundreds of dollars government-funded COVID unemployment assistance. Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went to a hair salon in a still “shut down” California. This simple act has left many Americans second-guessing whether or not the hair salon owner tricked Pelosi, as the Speaker claims. It sure seems like the Left lets any behavior slide that affirms their agenda, no matter how hypocritical.
Thankfully, Congressman Jim Banks (R-IN) introduced the Support Peaceful Protests Act or H.R. 8117. This legislation attempts to address the hypocrisy seen in the “peaceful” protests by holding accountable “arrested rioters who were caught committing crimes like acts of violence, looting, or vandalism to pay for the cost of federal policing of the riot and be ineligible for federal unemployment assistance.” As Congressman Banks said:
“Antifa thugs are descending on suffering communities, disrupting peaceful protests and leaving violence, looting and vandalism in their wake. They turned Milwaukee, Seattle, and Portland into warzones, and now they’re moving the chaos to Kenosha, Wisconsin. Who knows which community is next? Due to enhanced federal benefits, taxpayers are giving wages to jobless rioters that are destroying our communities. We need to cut them off from their funding and make them feel the full financial consequences of their actions.”
American taxpayers should not be funding the destruction of our communities and Eagle Forum is thankful to Congressman Banks for introducing H.R. 8117. Please check to see if your Representative is a co-sponsor of this important piece of legislation here. And if your Representative hasn’t yet joined as a cosponsor, please ask him or her to do so here.
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House Republicans are working to stop violent protesters from receiving federal funding. Also, the Senate is trying to pass a Coronavirus stimulus package this week. Get all of the details in this week's update.
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