SB 24 Abortion by medication techniques (Leyva, D-Chino) mandates that the on-campus health centers of public universities in California offer abortion-inducing drugs like RU-486.  Governor Brown vetoed a similar bill (SB 320) last year.  Yet proponents keep bringing up the same measure - unchanged and with no new evidence to support their position.

SB 24 also invites health centers to offer abortion counseling services to students but is specifically written in such a way to exclude pro-life counseling. This bill fails to allow students the opportunity to know any option other than abortion.

Besides the moral significance of this bill, SB 24 puts the health of college women at risk because college health centers will not have adequate resources to support them as they should. The bill also requires the State Treasurer to accept donations and administer an abortion promotion fund. After the funding runs out in 2023, the cost will either go to taxpayers or the college students through their school's mandatory student fees.

The state of California should not be encouraging or funding abortions at all.  Most Californians, even many who support a woman's right to choose, are opposed to our state being so involved in such a highly controversial decision.  

SB 24 is now up for a vote in the California Assembly.

Let your Assembly Member know there is no need for these services on campus and that you oppose this one-sided bill.  Where is the assistance for women who want to choose to keep their babies?  Why have the legitimate concerns of college health providers been ignored?

Ask your Assembly Member for their NO vote on SB 24.

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