As Greens we know that it’s all connected. Our homes, our health, our work and our environment are not separate issues. They are different sides of the same coin. We need a comprehensive plan, a programme that can build new, affordable zero-carbon homes. One that can allow us to build resilient, sustainable communities designed for walking, cycling and public transport. To build communities that are not just comfortable but meaningful.
Being Green means consciously participating in Democracy. That starts with building understanding and sharing it. That is why we are running a series of digital conversations to engage our members and friends with politicians, academics, activists who are demonstrating better is possible because better is already happening. We hope it provides connections and inspiration for us all to find new ways to build back better - together, in our communities. Like Green Tyrone Scott mentioned in our Home is a Green issue event: ‘We must drive the need for quality affordable housing up the political agenda, this is an issue that transcends party political lines. We have to get down to the people, those who are affected by not having a good home to live in’. Watch the replay below.