“I just phonebanked with Bend the Arc and it was so
excellent. Rebecca led an exquisite training and
session.” – Victoria
“It was the most optimistic
1.5 hours I've had in months! Thanks for organizing me!” –
Friend –
I could not be prouder of Bend the Arc right now. Supporters from
across the country are filling up phone and textbanking shifts,
talking to Jewish voters about defeating Trump.
In just one shift this week, volunteers contacted 29,225 voters!
Can you help us hit our next one-day record? Make an impact and feel
like you contributed to this critical election by joining us this
coming week.
Sign up
for a Vote Out Fear phone or text bank
📱 Textbank: Tuesday, Sept 15 at 7:30pm
ET / 4:30pm PT
☎️ Phonebank: Thursday, Sept 17
at 5:30pm ET / 2:30pm PT
You’ll find more dates on the calendar
In a “normal” election year, you could join Bend the Arc to knock
doors and talk face-to-face to your neighbors. But canvassing isn’t
safe right now during a global pandemic and climate crisis.
You probably won’t be surprised that the Trump campaign is
canvassing anyway. Democrats had to put out an ad in Iowa,
warning voters about answering the door for Trump canvassers — saying,
"The Trump campaign is spreading more than just campaign

Trump’s disregard for our lives was driven home this week when
investigative journalist Bob Woodward's book revealed that Trump
deliberately downplayed and misinformed our country about the COVID
crisis. Months of mishandling later, nearly 200,000 Americans are
dead, and Trump is attacking our movements to spread fear and
division. We won’t let him and his enablers get away with it.
By talking on the phone with Jewish voters in key swing states, we
can help them vote safely, remove white nationalists like Trump from
office, and build a country for all of us.
Sign up for a shift with incredible Bend the Arc volunteers
from across the country. Textbank
on Tuesday, September 15, or phonebank
on Thursday, September 17.
In solidarity,
The Bend the Arc team