It's official -- Trump is coming to Michigan today.

It’s official -- Trump is coming to Michigan today.

The New York Times: Trump Goes to Michigan, Trailed by Controversies

As our country faces its greatest crises in a generation, Trump’s top priority is traveling around the country to hold large campaign rallies. Meanwhile, leaders like Haley Stevens are working on bipartisan solutions to address our most pressing needs.

Trump has done nothing but insult Michigan’s leadership and try to sow division in our state -- but Michiganders know that’s not who we are. Chip in to our Rapid Response Fund before Trump’s 7PM rally to show Trump that when he comes to Michigan, he can expect a massive surge of Democratic donations! →

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We all know the real reason for Trump’s visit. He barely won Michigan in 2016 by just 0.23% -- and if he loses our battleground state, his re-election chances are sunk.

Haley has been focused on getting results for Michigan since Day 1, even with Team Trump personally attacking her. That’s how she flipped this district blue for the first time since the 1950s -- just two years after Trump won it.

Trump is personally invested in defeating Haley in this battleground district and taking this seat back. Chip in to our Rapid Response Fund to send Trump a message before 7PM and keep MI-11 blue! →

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Team Haley


Haley Stevens for Congress

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Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave
Suite #539
Birmingham, MI 48009