News from Representative Allred

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September 10, 2020

Dear John,

It has been over 100 days since the Heroes Act, a second major coronavirus relief package, passed the House. I was proud to support this bill for many reasons, but mainly because North Texans from all over the 32nd District of Texas have told me how deeply impacted they have been by this pandemic. The time is now for the Senate to take action and pass a relief package that includes the relief North Texans need.

The Heroes Act will help North Texas in many ways. This includes extending expanded unemployment benefits to those who lost their jobs because of this crisis, helping to establish a comprehensive plan of testing, tracing and treatment for COVID-19, providing critical aid to state and local COVID-19 response funds, delivering economic relief through another round of direct payments to individuals, and providing funds to the U.S. Postal Service.


I have also taken action and voted to support many other bipartisan bills that will provide assistance and aid as we continue to navigate this pandemic. 

In July, I helped to pass the Delivering for America Act. This bipartisan bill would prevent the Administration from implementing changes at the U.S. Postal Service that would impact the delivery of mail and also provide $25 billion to help the Postal Service and its workers do their jobs during this pandemic. So many North Texans count on the U.S. Postal Service for prescriptions, paychecks and more, so it’s important we save this essential service.

I understand that our local restaurants and bars have been particularly hard-hit and are struggling, which is why I also cosponsored the RESTAURANTS Act. This bill would create a $210 billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund fund to support restaurants as they continue to face the economic fallout of this outbreak. Although Texas has reopened its restaurants, the economic impacts of this outbreak are far from over. I will continue to work and make sure that our local restaurants can survive this crisis and put people back to work.

Our local music and events venues, like the Granada Theater in Dallas, are struggling right now too, with the decreased demand and more stringent restrictions on their capacity and bans on large public gatherings. I cosponsored the RESTART Act which would offer a loan program to small businesses, like our venues and many other businesses, who have seen a 25 percent or more drop in income due to coronavirus. It would also allow loan forgiveness for payroll costs, rent, and personal protective equipment (PPE). 

I know a lot of North Texans are hurting because of this pandemic, and as your Representative, I want you to know that I will keep fighting for the relief North Texas needs. I will work with anyone to get North Texans the help they need and I am more than willing to compromise and work with both parties to get something done. I again urge the Senate and the Administration to pass and sign into law a bipartisan package that helps the American people get through this crisis.

For coronavirus information and resources on federal assistance as it relates to the pandemic, please visit or give my Richardson office a call at (972) 972-7949 with any questions. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress


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