The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated our country in countless ways, and the situation is dire here in Mississippi.

We’ve all made sacrifices to fight this pandemic — but Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith has not.

In March, Cindy Hyde-Smith said this crisis would be over in two weeks. She then stalled a bill with hospital funding, voted to take money away from unemployed workers while our unemployment rate doubled, and took off for summer recess, all without providing any additional relief for those struggling.

That’s why we launched our urgent new ad today — now airing all across Mississippi.

Thumbnail for new ad.

The situtation doesn't end there, unfortunately. Cindy Hyde-Smith pushed to reopen our state before doctors and health care experts said we were ready. While she was missing in action, we were dealing with the aftermath: Cases surged and hospitals are still overwhelmed.

Hyde-Smith has simply not done her part to stand up for Mississippi. This is a sitting senator who is actively hurting her own people.

So, I need your help to spread the word and build statewide support to defeat Cindy Hyde-Smith on November 3 and give Mississippians a leader who will actually fight for them in the Senate. Will you chip in $10 or whatever you can right now?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

With the right leadership, I know we can rebuild Mississippi and recover from this pandemic. That’s why it’s so important we do everything we can in these final eight weeks to share our vision and win this race.

Thanks so much,
