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It is more important than ever that Hoosiers band together to support a solid, principled candidate to be Indiana’s next attorney general.  

You’ve know what’s at stake. Liberal AGs across the nation are ignoring the rule of law. They’re trying to defund the police, not defend the police like they deserve.  

We cannot let that happen in Indiana.  

Todd Rokita has a proven record of Conservatism as our former secretary of state and a member of Congress. He will fight for Hoosiers’ God-given, Constitutionally-protected rights, and defend the President’s America First agenda

All citizens have a right to protest and express their freedom of speech, but the violence we’re seen across the nation must end. Todd won't ask our law enforcement to turn the other way when it comes to defending our citizens, and he will work hard to protect every Hoosier.  

Will you please help us support Todd Rokita for Attorney General and protect the rule of law in Indiana? 

<< Donate $10 NOW! >> 
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Please take a stand for conservative values and donate today to make sure we win for Todd – and all Hoosiers – this November! 

Thanks for your support, 
Kyle Hupfer 
Chairman, Indiana Republican Party

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