Dear John,
Whether ‘back to school’ is really back to school or just virtual, one thing is certain: food is a kid’s most important school supply.
This fall, restaurants and stores across the country are joining forces to make it easier than ever to help kids who may be facing hunger in this difficult year.
Find out how you can Dine, Shop & Share to feed hungry kids.
All kids need healthy food to do their best at school, wherever that may be. Due to the coronavirus 1 in 4 kids may struggle with hunger this year. And we need to make sure that all kids get the healthy food they need to do their best at school - wherever that may be.
Find out how you can Dine, Shop & Share to help more hungry kids get the most important school supply. Whether it's ordering food, making a purchase, or sharing on social media, you can help connect more kids to the healthy meals they need to reach their full potential
These are uncertain and difficult times. It’s nice to know people are joining forces to meet the needs of families and children who are at risk for hunger. Please find out how you can Dine, Shop & Share for No Kid Hungry today.
Thanks for all you do help make sure every child gets their most important school supply — healthy meals.

Cecibel Henriquez Team No Kid Hungry