Tell Congress: Support the Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act today!
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Tell Members of Congress:
Support the Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act

In the middle of an ongoing pandemic, it's safe to assume our children deserve health, not harm. Police in schools provide anything but that.

It's a fact — police in schools cause harm to Black, Native, and Latino students, as well as students with disabilities, girls, LGBTQ students, and the entire school community. Students who attend a school with a law enforcement officer are more likely to be arrested.

As schools reopen, time is of the essence. Tell members of Congress to co-sponsor the Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act today!

This bill will end federal funding for school-based law enforcement and instead give children access to counselors, nurses, and restorative justice coaches to address the needs of marginalized students and improve academic outcomes. It'll invest in positive support systems to help children grow and thrive in school.

It's senseless. Why would more police be the solution, when 90 percent of students are in public schools where the number of counselors, social workers, nurses, and psychologists do not meet recommended professional standards?

Please tell Congress right now — keep police out of schools!

—The Leadership Conference
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