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The Scottish Government's Hate Crime Bill contains some measures that are worthy of support, but others that need to be reconsidered to safeguard free speech, writes Murdo Fraser MSP.
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic women up to 10 weeks gestation could access abortion services through telemedicine. The case to retain this change is overwhelming, says Diana Johnson MP.
The Manchester Arena bomber was spotted "praying" at the venue 50 minutes before he carried out the attack and asked what he had in his rucksack, an inquiry into the terror attack was told.
The current director of France's Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly, the target of a massacre by Islamist gunmen in January 2015, on Wednesday said the magazine had "nothing to regret" for publishing cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed.
The soldiers' video testimony, recorded by a rebel militia, is the first time that members of Myanmar's military have openly confessed to taking part in what United Nations officials say was a genocidal campaign against the country's Rohingya Muslim minority.
One study showed that of all religion/belief groups examined, atheists and agnostics were the most likely to extend rights to the groups they least liked.
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