Thursday, September 10th, 2020

Who Propaganda Promotes Globalists’ Digital Cashless Society And Will Destroy American Life As We Know It

Bill Sardi

The Freedom To Pursue Happiness

Andrew P. Napolitano

Today and Yesterday

Walter E. Williams


Linh Dinh

Gates Foundation Is Also Destroying Africa’s Food Economy

F. William Engdahl

MKULTRA and the CIA’s War on the Human Mind

Jason Morgan

Landmark FDA Paper on Aluminum Safety in Vaccines Found To Have a Critical Math Error

Arjun Walia

Let’s Give Trump Some Credit

On Labor Day He Threw Down the Gauntlet to the Corrupt Military Brass.
Paul Craig Roberts

Riots? What Riots?

Steve Sailer

Untruth in Advertising

Eric Peters

The Guardian Published an Editorial Written Entirely by AI: “I know that I will not be able to avoid destroying humankind.”

Daisy Luther

New Engineered Coronaviruses Are Under Development

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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