We know that this November's elections are the most important of our lifetimes and that it can define the trajectory of our nation for generations to come.

Truth to Power


As we look towards November, there's one thing that energizes us the most: if we elect more progressives to join Rep. Porter in Congress, our grassroots movement could be unstoppable.

We all know how hard Rep. Porter fights for her constituents and the progressive movement on the floor of the House—holding the Trump administration accountable and speaking truth to power every day on issues from the postal service to the coronavirus pandemic.

If we had more folks like Katie Porter in Congress, our political landscape would look very different—for the better. That's why we work as hard as we do, John.

We know that this November's elections are the most important of our lifetimes and that it can define the trajectory of our nation for generations to come. We know that it's on us—not corporate PACs, lobbyists, or the establishment—to get the representation we need in Washington to enact bold, progressive change.

Chip in today and help send our 24 endorsed Truth to Power candidates to Washington, where they will work with Rep. Porter to enact bold, progressive change and speak truth to power:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

While 100% of our candidates have won their primaries, winning their general elections will be an even more challenging feat. For every powerful voice for truth we back, we're going up against a host of well-funded, well-connected special interests who want to stop them from getting close to the House.

Now is the time to rise against these powerful special interests who control so much of our government, twisting it to their own ends. With your help, we know we can send our 24 powerful allies to join Rep. Porter on the House floor to fight for accountability.

Thanks for all that you do,

The Truth to Power team




Paid for by Truth to Power PAC

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Truth to Power PAC
PO Box 5176
Irvine, CA 92616

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