
Last week, the Washington Post published a bombshell report explaining Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s shady and illegal donation scheme to help Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

According to the Washington Post, DeJoy pressured his employees at the U.S. Postal Service to make large contributions to Republican campaigns and then reimbursed them with massive end-of-year, taxpayer-funded bonuses—in clear violation of state and federal campaign finance laws.

The corruption of this administration is completely out of control, and it’s WAY past time for DeJoy to be held accountable.

Will you add your name right now and join us in demanding that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy be held accountable?

Let’s be honest. Louis DeJoy should never have been placed in charge of the Postal Service in the first place. He’s completely unqualified.

It’s clear that Donald Trump only picked him for the job because he was one of the biggest donors to his campaign. In fact, DeJoy is well known for being a mega-donor to the Republican Party.

It’s time for Louis DeJoy to be held accountable. Can you add your name if you agree?


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