
Two of our last three presidents lost the popular vote, and yet they still became president. Before George W. Bush in 2000, the most recent popular vote loser to ascend to the presidency was Benjamin Harrison in 1888.

It's clear the Electoral College is an antiquated and undemocratic way to decide who will govern 330 million Americans. We need to elect our president by National Popular Vote.

The good news? We’re winning this fight. We’ve passed the National Popular Vote in 16 states and jurisdictions totaling 196 electoral votes already!

The bad news is that now Republicans are fighting back and trying to stop us.

This November, Republicans in Colorado are attempting to overturn the National Popular Vote bill passed by the legislature with a ballot proposition. If Colorado voters vote NO it will stop our National Popular Vote movement in its tracks.

We can’t let that happen! Please split a contribution between the Yes on National Popular Vote campaign and DFA immediately:

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Coloradans need to vote Yes on Proposition 113 to affirm Colorado's entry into the National Popular Vote interstate compact.

Once enough states sign on to reach 270 electoral votes, the law will go into effect -- guaranteeing that every vote matters equally, and the candidate with the most votes nationwide will win the presidency.

But the well-financed opponents of a nationwide vote for president have already spent almost $1 million to kill Colorado's National Popular Vote law. That's why the Yes on the National Popular Vote campaign in Colorado needs our support today.

Will you split a contribution between the National Popular Vote campaign and DFA today? Every contribution will educate voters on this crucial proposition and lead the nationwide campaign for a popular vote:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

A National Popular Vote would force candidates to campaign in all 50 states, give equal weight to every American's vote, and ensure the president is elected by a majority of voters.

In a world where two of our last three presidents lost the popular vote, it's clear this reform is long overdue.

Thank you for pitching in today to make this important electoral reform a reality.

— Charles

Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America