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Dear John,

My thanks to the thousands of CAGW members and supporters who completed our 2019 National Media Survey. If you have not yet participated in the survey, please click here to let your voice be heard.

CAGW commissioned this National Media Survey to help us target our media outreach strategy this fall so that our message of spending restraint and accountability can have the biggest impact.

The results provide insights on your views of current news coverage of spending issues, including whether you believe the coverage is truthful or “fake news” and if you think news outlets are promoting the Left’s calls for new spending instead of reporting the costs of these budget-busting, big-government proposals.

Here are some highlights of the findings:

  • We asked you what topics CAGW should highlight in our national media efforts, and 90 percent of respondents cited the dangers and unaffordable costs of Medicare for All and socialized medicine as the number one subject. The costs of the Green New Deal and the Left’s “free” government handouts (89 percent) and new federal programs being proposed by Democrats (84 percent) rounded out the top three.

  • Leading Democrats have proposed “free” healthcare and college tuition, and a whopping 94 percent of respondents said that the media is not accurately reporting that these “free” programs will actually cost taxpayers tens of trillions of dollars.

  • When asked which types of media outlets CAGW should target most aggressively, national television topped the list at 81 percent, followed by social media at 79 percent and local television stations at 61 percent.

  • CAGW earns national news coverage with high-profile reports like Prime Cuts, which focuses on specific wasteful programs that can be cut or eliminated, and our annual Pig Book that details wasteful spending on earmarks, and 98 percent of you said it was important for CAGW to keep generating newsworthy items to force media outlets to cover spending issues.

My thanks again to the many CAGW members and supporters who completed this survey. Your feedback will help us plan our media strategy so that we can ensure that our message of fiscal responsibility remains front and center in the months ahead.


Thomas A. Schatz




Citizens Against Government Waste is the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than one million members and supporters nationwide. It is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CAGW are tax-deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law. For more information about CAGW, visit our website at Make a tax-deductible contribution to CAGW today to help fight the war on waste.

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