Corruption and cronyism are the only conservation policies Donald Trump promotes

Corruption and cronyism are the only conservation policies Donald Trump promotes

Today, Donald Trump Jr. will be in Duluth, Minnesota. Just last month, he tweeted his opposition to a copper mine near Alaska’s Bristol Bay, a project similar to the copper mine proposed in the headwaters of the Boundary Waters Wilderness. Now President Trump is planning to stop the Alaska mining project because his son weighed in on the side of protection.

Donald Trump Jr. knows copper mining is too dangerous for Alaska’s Bristol Bay, so why is the Trump Administration fast-tracking it in Minnesota near the Boundary Waters?

“Donald Trump Jr. claims to be a conservationist. But when it comes to America’s most visited Wilderness, the Trump Administration is selling out Minnesotans’ outdoor heritage to a Chilean mining conglomerate controlled by Ivanka Trump’s landlord,” said Boundary Waters Action Fund Executive Director Tom Landwehr. “Sulfide-ore copper mining next to the Boundary Waters is just as dangerous as copper mining next to Bristol Bay, yet one is being protected because the President’s son likes to fish there and the other is being fast-tracked because the mining company’s owner is connected to the President's daughter. Corruption and cronyism are the only conservation policies Donald Trump promotes.

The Boundary Waters is on the ballot this election. Take a stand and pledge to vote for candidates who will permanently protect the Boundary Waters from foreign interests and corrupt officials.

For the Wilderness, 

Alex Falconer 
Director, Boundary Waters Action Fund


P.S. The Boundary Waters Action Fund leads the charge to elect candidates who pledge to protect the Boundary Waters from toxic sulfide-ore copper mining. Donate now to keep up the fight to protect the Boundary Waters.

Prepared and Paid for by Boundary Waters Action Fund. Boundary Waters Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit affiliate of Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness and the political arm of Save the Boundary Waters. Donations to Boundary Waters Action Fund are not tax deductible. 

206 E Sheridan St
Ely, MN 55731
