I'll be honest, friend, we're already behind on our goal to end out this quarter.
This is the last full fundraising quarter before Election Day -- and this doesn't look good. This grassroots team has always had Jason's back, and we can't afford to look weak in one of the top battleground states for the House in 2020.
So, I'm asking you to stand up with us during this temporary lapse. With four weeks until ballots drop, will you chip in $5 to close our gap and help keep Jason working for us in Congress?
We can't let this slip up give our opponent (and their dark money special interests) the upper hand right before ballots drop -- we already know they're willing to say and spend anything to win. Already we're seeing Trump's team sending in outsiders to stump across the state, and they're aligning with far-right conspiracy theorists and fringe groups. This isn't just absurd, it's dangerous.
We can win this election so Jason can keep fighting for the issues that matter to Coloradans, but he needs you with us, friend. It's going to take each and every one of us doing what we can, when we can, to bring in a win for Coloradans on November 3.
If you have Jason's back, rush a donation now.
Thank you,
Michael Whitehorn
Campaign Manager
Jason Crow for Congress
Now more than ever, we need strong leaders like Jason working for us in Congress. We're closing in on the final critical weeks of this race, and anything you can give will go a long way since we're not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. So if you're able, please consider supporting Jason's 2020 re-election campaign with a weekly recurring donation today.
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Paid for by Jason Crow for Congress |
Jason Crow for Congress
PO Box 32145
Aurora, CO 80041-2145
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