1 Point---So We are All In

Yesterday, I learned my friend and our adopted candidate Sheila Bynum-Coleman is just 1 point behind in her race to defeat Virginia Speaker of the House Kirk Cox (42-43). We can win this race and I fully believe we will if she has the resources she needs to turn out the Democratic and independent votes that are in her newly un-gerrymandered district.

When I heard Sheila trails by just 1, I thought of you and my family. You because again and again last year, you helped deliver on the values we share. My family, because of the values you and my family share that I believe are so needed at this pivotal moment in our history. 

My family and I are all in again for the ideals we cherish. All in for hope. All in for common sense gun safety measures. All in for a Virginia, Arlington, and America that is better in 2019 and 2020 than it is today.  

Will you join us?
Click here to Come to Saturday's Event and Seize this Moment
The change Virginia needs in 2019 and the start we need to 2020 is: 

In your hands,

Matt de Ferranti for Arlington
Matt de Ferranti for County Board
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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