Folks, I have a personal request: Can you chip in $10 to my campaign today? I’ll explain more in a moment.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our fundraising numbers have taken a significant dip this week, and we’re falling very far behind on our goal for September. That spells bad news for our campaign.

I’m worried we could lose.

Look, I know we’re still ahead — but the last three polls have our Republican opponent within single digits of us. And shady right-wing groups have dumped nearly $30 million to tear down our campaign.

Right now, we just don’t have the resources to fight back against their misleading attacks before voters start mailing in their ballots. Bottom line — we need a 30% increase in grassroots donations by next week’s deadline.

Please, will you add a critical donation to our campaign ahead of our mid-month fundraising deadline next week? We need to fight back against the GOP’s attacks immediately or we could lose this race:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

This race is the number one Senate seat most likely to flip red to blue, but ONLY if we have the resources to go toe-to-toe with the Republicans’ massive war chest.

As you know, I’m not taking any donations from corporate PACs, so we could really use your support here.

Thank you,
