101 years of a fighting history for working people!

Together let's build a just future!


Dear John,


I joined the Communist Party USA once I learned of the Party’s proud history of being an integral part of our country's social/political movements. We were always fighting to bring permanent change to a system never designed to meet working people’s needs.



Celebrate our 101st anniversary and ensure we can help bring a socialist future by donating $101 or whatever you can spare during these difficult times.


Our Party has played an essential role in uniting working people. It's a one-hundred-year history of struggle fighting for racial equality, women's rights, labor, immigrant rights, peace, LGBTQ equality, and climate justice.  


Today our Party needs your donation to stay on this path of transforming this capitalist system into a socialist one. Many working people donate their time and energy to keep the Party functioning, but unfortunately, there are operational expenses for which we ask your help. 


Help ensure the CPUSA can make a maximum effort in turning out the vote in the 2020 elections to end the Trump nightmare by donating whatever you can, $10, $20, $50 or $101 or consider making a monthly recurring donation.


With each passing day, we can see that capitalism cannot take care of working people, health, or well-being. It cannot take care of it because, at its core, it always has and forever will put profits before people. The system's inhumanity is not acceptable. We ask for your help so that together, we can build the foundation for a more just and humane approach, one whose primary focus is to put people before profits.


Truly a better world is possible. Please donate what you can.


Rossana Cambron

CPUSA national co-chair




Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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