Take a ride through Vote Smart’s galaxy of factual data on that person on that issue.

Vote Smart has added 1,842 politicians to our effortless research tool called Political Galaxy. This tool allows any citizen to pick any candidate for president or congress, select an issue area of concern, and take a ride through Vote Smart’s galaxy of factual data on that person on that issue.

You will find Political Galaxy at VoteSmart.org or by linking to https://votesmart.org/galaxy.

Please share with all you know this simple but powerful tool that links each citizen to the facts about their own candidates on the issues that they care about most.

Vote Smart is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that provides accurate information about candidates, elected officials, and key pieces of legislation. By providing information in an easy and accessible manner, Vote Smart believes that citizens can better defend themselves from the questionable rhetoric and misrepresentation that characterizes present-day political campaigns.