We can't afford not to.

200907 Climate Report Redux

Last week, the Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis, which Brian chairs, released its climate report, laying out the effects of climate change and a strategy to address it by:

  • Making key federal investments
  • Reducing pollution to net-zero by 2050
  • Combating the dark-money influence of the fossil fuel industry
  • Building a broad coalition that can make climate action a winning issue in Congress

But first, we need to take back the Majority.

If you can, chip in today to support Democrats running to flip the Senate this November →


All of our best laid plans won’t mean anything if we don’t have control of the Senate, so we can pass legislation and put it into action

The most powerful way to tackle climate change in the U.S. is to pass new legislation, which means piecing together a bill that can earn 60 — or maybe 51 — votes in the [Senate].”
- The Atlantic


Under Mitch McConnell’s leadership, the Senate has blocked numerous bills addressing climate change and our environment.

But this November, we have the chance to take back the Majority, remove McConnell from power, and take meaningful action on climate change.

We can’t afford to miss this opportunity. We’re already living the effects of climate change in real time: historic and devastating storms, wildfires, and floods. And it’s only going to get worse if we don’t take urgent action.

So if you can, please chip in today to help Democrats flip the Senate this November and address climate change. Even $1 or $5 helps a lot.


Team Schatz


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