Fellow Patriot, Forced vaccinations. . . Digital immunity certificates. . . This is what we face -- and it’s coming at us quickly. I'm very concerned politicians and Big Pharma are just a few short weeks away from stripping away your health freedom in favor of profits for vaccine makers. The plan coming from several states, including Virginia and Ohio, is to strip away rights from those who haven’t been vaccinated. And Congress has ideas about national mandates carried out with force. While Speaker Pelosi has been the most vocal proponent of this plan, the sad truth is both parties support a national strategic plan to trace, track, and forcibly vaccinate the American people. . . They are simply haggling over the details. This is dangerous. In my first week in the House of Representatives in 1976, I cast one of the two votes against legislation appropriating funds for a swine flu vaccine. The swine flu outbreak was a media event back then, with all the major networks giving it coverage that no other virus had ever received. The public was scared into a frenzy back then -- though it doesn’t even come close to the hysteria of 2020. Back then, just as now, the clamoring for a magical cure-all, in the form of a rushed vaccine was coming from the media, the politicians, and then the public. Unfortunately, the hastily and rushed into production vaccine was not only ineffective -- it was DANGEROUS. Approximately 50 people who took it contracted Guillain Barre Syndrome, a potentially deadly form of paralysis, which was a tragedy for those families and unnecessary for preventing this strain of the flu. When all was said and done, this vaccine was shown to have increased the odds of getting Guillain Barre Syndrome by 4 times, which is a significant risk. Will that sad history repeat itself with this rushed and overhyped coronavirus vaccine? With an election coming up in less than 8 weeks, there’s a lot of political pressure to have a vaccine ready which would bring a “rescue” of the economy and “allow” us to have our freedoms back. These aren’t my words of course, this is what’s coming from Washington, and I think we ought to tell them we don’t need a vaccine to be free or prosperous. We may be just a few short weeks away from a potentially dangerous vaccine being pushed on the public. What’s worse, Big Pharma is now colluding with software magnate Bill Gates of Microsoft to create a “Digital Certificate” to prove you’ve been vaccinated. This is the worst kind of medical tyranny imaginable and they’re expecting the American Public to accept this, “for our safety,” of course. Another form of this tyranny that’s being forced upon us are these “Contact Tracing Apps” being covertly installed on our phones. They are sometimes presented as “optional,” but they nag you incessantly until you just install them, or it just happens automatically. And just like that a health bureaucracy now has access to your personal and private data so they can track you and “trace” you electronically to see if they need to contact you about a possible exposure to someone with the coronavirus. If that happens, you’ll need to go into quarantine. Fellow Patriot, this is an assault on our privacy and an assault on our liberty! And it’s going to affect your kids if they get their way. States like California have already passed laws that require children to receive a full vaccine schedule to attend school. There are currently a whopping 35 vaccines in their first 6 years, according to the CDC’s website! Your opinion matters! California’s law is especially terrifying, because it creates a vaccine database of all children, destroying their medical privacy for life and allowing bureaucrats to bully their parents into making sometimes disastrous health choices just to stay in school. If that type of a law ever passes in other states, big government will be inside our homes in ways we never thought possible. President Trump keeps hinting at this coronavirus vaccine being ready before November -- just in time for the election. He may just get his wish, but it certainly should not be mandatory. Please let me know how you feel about mandatory vaccines today! The good news is there is much skepticism about this rushed process and we’re now hearing it from corporate media and some of the politicians on the left. Whatever their motive is, it’s causing more people to wake up to the possibility that this vaccine may not have had enough time to be declared safe. Let’s all make sure we make our feelings known to the politicians, bureaucrats, their cronies in Big Pharma and even Microsoft’s Bill Gates that we’re not going to sacrifice our health freedom for their bottom line. For Liberty, Chairman P.S. Campaign for Liberty is fighting back against the statists on multiple fronts right now -- from efforts to ram through more coronavirus spending, forcing contact tracing and vaccinations on us, gun confiscation schemes . . . and so much more. |