We need to go on the defense *right now.*

Hey, everyone -- we just got word that our corporate lobbyist opponent is launching her first TV ads of the general and she’s been busy attacking Mikie at every turn!


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Here’s the bad news: Our opponent is up on TV before we are. That’s an opportunity for her to gain ground.

But here’s the good news: We can do something about it.

We need to go on the offense right now and we’re hoping to raise $10,000 before the end of the day to execute our plan. I know it’s a big ask, but I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. Every dollar helps us counter the attacks while simultaneously fueling our voter outreach efforts so we can set the record straight.

And I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think we could make it happen. We’ve been working so hard for months to jump into action and respond to moments like this, and I know we can do it now because I’ve seen this team rise to challenges time and again.





Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043

Mikie Sherrill was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. Use of her military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.