From Nikki Haley <[email protected]>
Subject Does this sound right to you?
Date September 9, 2020 4:04 PM
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The Daily Conservative

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Fellow Conservative ---

D+26… D+29… D+32…

These numbers show just how lopsided the districts that belong to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Queens, NY), Ilhan Omar (Minneapolis, MN) and Rashida Tlaib (Detroit, MI) are --- three of the most extreme liberals in the U.S. House of Representatives.

These are some of the most lopsided congressional districts in America -- which means these three could be in Congress for decades, just like …

Nancy Pelosi (D+37 – 32 years in office)
Maxine Waters (D+29 – 28 years in office)
Adam Schiff (D+23 – 18 years in office)

Our Founders never intended to have lifetime elected officials.

Our first president, George Washington, had the foresight, respect, and humility to term-limit himself!

But that same foresight, respect, and humility is rare in politicians and Washington insiders today. [link removed] ([link removed])
Ilhan Omar (MN-05)

D+26 [link removed] ([link removed])
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14)

D+29 [link removed] ([link removed])
Rashida Tlaib (MI-13)

They think they know better than folks like you and me – and they think it’s their job to TELL US what to do instead of the other way around. But we don’t work for them – they work for us.

And it’s up to patriots like you and me to hold our elected officials accountable – which is why we need an amendment to the Constitution to establish TERM LIMITS NOW.

Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, and other career politicians have done decades worth of damage. But right now, you and I can stop this new class of extreme leftists from inflicting socialist policies like the “Green New Deal” or “Medicare for All” that will lead to decades more damage.

And their willingness to exploit the national coronavirus crisis is proof-positive of why it's more important than ever to term limit these politicians.

This is exactly why I launched STAND FOR AMERICA: to demand accountability from our elected officials and demand policies that strengthen America’s economy, culture, and national security.

Will you join me? And, what’s more, will you join President Trump, who sees term limits as necessary to “drain the swamp” in Washington?

You can start by contributing $45 right now to Stand For America. Your generous donation will be used to counter the liberal elitists fighting against TERM LIMITS in the news, online, and on the air. ([link removed])

I am sure you can guess the most vocal opponents of term limits…

That’s right. It’s the same incumbent politicians listed above, along with the special-interest groups who depend on them. And, while the approval ratings for Congress are abysmally low, nothing ever changes. No wonder. It’s a simple matter of cause and effect…

Cause: Ocasio-Cortez’s district skews D+29 (that means the district is 29 percentage points more Democrat than the national average)

Effect: She seeks to exploit a national emergency to push her socialist policies on our country with impunity ("Medicare for All"... the "Green New Deal"...not to mention paychecks for those unwilling to work, eliminating air travel, limiting family size).

Cause: Omar’s district skews D+26.

Effect: She is completely unaccountable for her history of anti-Semitic and anti-American statements, like dismissing the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “some people did something.”

Cause: Tlaib’s district skews D+32.

Effect: Without consequences she unleashes profanity-laced tirades against President Trump, like: “We’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the mother#$%&er!”

All this in less than ONE full term.

A donation of $45 right now will provide our team with the resources to insist that Congress add the TERM LIMITS amendment to the Constitution. ([link removed])

Imagine how bad things will get if these extreme left politicians spend 20 or 30 years in office and they switch from saying and proposing extremist things to actually writing these policies into law.

It has become common for members of Congress to stay in office for 20, 30, 40, sometimes even 50 years.

When they do that, two things happen:

First, they become creatures of Washington. They lose touch with the people back home and become bound to special interests that dominate the Swamp.

Second, this system discourages many good people from seeking office. They know the odds are stacked against them winning an election, and even if they do win, they know they won’t gain any real authority in Congress until they’re there for 20 years.

It’s not right.

It’s not what our Founders intended.

And it’s got to stop.

I need you to stand with me in this critical fight for our nation. Contribute $45, $75, or even $100 to STAND FOR AMERICA and join the movement to demand that our nation’s leaders AMEND THE CONSTITUTION and add term limits NOW. ([link removed])

That’s the only way to “drain the swamp” and actually change Washington.

I am leaving no stone unturned when it comes to enacting term limits. If Congress refuses to pass an amendment, you and I must be ready to go to the state legislatures (we need 34 states to enact Article V and bypass Congress) – whatever it takes to make sure extreme leftists like Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, and Tlaib are limited to three TERMS not three DECADES in Washington.

Term limits are the antidote to the poisonous culture in Washington.

That is why it is critical you rush a $45 donation to STAND FOR AMERICA today. As a former governor and state legislator, I know how powerful the voice of the electorate is – how powerful YOUR voice is.

Together, we can lead the call for a TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT.

This vital quest to enact TERM LIMITS comes at a steep price – by giving $45, $75, or even $100 you will provide my team at STAND FOR AMERICA critical resources to reach our goal. ([link removed])

Remember, the incumbents in Washington will never vote themselves out of a job.

They’ll cling to power for as long as you and I let them --- and, left unchecked, they'll uses this power to "fundamentally restructure" America. That’s why the time for TERM LIMITS is right now.

That’s why President Trump supports this powerful weapon to “drain the swamp.”

You and I must not allow this liberal trio to become lifetime members of the DC swamp. For that matter, no one should be there for a lifetime.

My very best,
Nikki R. Haley

P.S. Will you join me and join STAND FOR AMERICA in supporting the passage of a TERM LIMITS amendment to the U.S. Constitution? DONATE TODAY! ([link removed])SUPPORT TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT - DONATE NOW! ([link removed]) [link removed] ([link removed])
Founded by Ambassador Nikki Haley, Stand for America is an advocacy group promoting public policies that strengthen America’s economy, culture, and national security.

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