Dear John,

Take Action Now: Stop overfishing from wiping out Southern Resident killer whales and Chinook salmon.​

There are only 74 Southern Resident killer whales left in the world, and orca babies are dying of starvation. Will you take action to stand up for wild salmon and orcas?

Unchecked overfishing on the West Coast is starving endangered orcas by wiping out the Chinook salmon they rely on. And the Pacific Fisheries Management Council -- the agency that should be protecting the salmon -- is failing to stop it.

But right now, you have a chance to persuade the Council to change course and rein in overfishing. 

Tell the Pacific Fishery Management Council: Protect salmon and orcas from overfishing!

Tahlequah, a well-known killer whale, gave birth two years ago to a calf who died just thirty minutes later. For 17 days, she carried her calf in an unprecedented show of mourning. The lack of salmon for her pod to feed on was a key factor in the calf’s death.

Now Tahlequah just gave birth again. Her newborn calf is at risk. She’s struggling with a lack of food -- which has been linked to orcas’ poor reproductive success. With only 74 orcas remaining, Tahlequah’s newborn is a vital step to earn this species more time. 

The Pacific Fishery Management Council could help save orcas like Tahlequah and her calf by rejecting woefully inadequate salmon fishing measures. Will you take a stand for endangered orcas and salmon?

Demand the Pacific Fishery Management Council save orcas and salmon from unchecked overfishing!

Now, the Pacific Fishery Management Council is preparing to approve flawed fishery management alternatives -- even though virtually nothing has changed. It is crucial that the Pacific Fishery Management protect wild salmon and orcas for generations to come. Once these iconic species are gone, there is no getting them back.

Unfortunately, the fishery council has shown it will not take action on its own. John, will you send a quick message to Pacific Fishery Management Council and tell them the National Marine Fisheries Service isn’t doing enough to protect salmon and orcas?

Take Action: Tell the Pacific Fishery Management Council to hold National Marine Fisheries Service accountable for irresponsible overfishing!

Standing with you,
Verner Wilson,
Senior oceans campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
