It’s time for additional relief for workers, restaurants, and more.


The negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are still being deeply felt by workers, small businesses, restaurants, students, teachers, and so many more here in New Jersey and across the country.

Millions of Americans face evictions from their homes. Millions of workers are still out of jobs, especially in the hospitality industry as many restaurants and bars continue to face unprecedented challenges or are still restricted from fully operating in some states. Families, students, and teachers are struggling to adjust to the new normal of virtual learning.

It’s been months since Congress passed relief to address this crisis, and Cory has been fighting ever since to pass more.

Cory hears you and knows what we need: eviction protections, an unemployment extension, support for the hospitality industry, and more state and local funding.

That’s why he’s working to pass bills like the RESTAURANTS Act, which would support hard-hit independent restaurants and fund the reemployment of 11 million workers through a $120 billion revitalization fund.

The American people need more relief legislation like the RESTAURANTS Act, and they need it now. If you agree, stand with Cory in support of additional pandemic relief by adding your name to our petition now.


– Team Booker