At the White House last Thursday, President Trump delivered an address to accept the Republican Party’s nomination for the presidency. In contrast to the doom and gloom that former Vice President Joe Biden preached at the Democrat Party socialist snoozefest, aka, “convention,” President Trump delivered an uplifting message of what America will look like with another four years of his bold leadership. The president also repeatedly called out Biden for his disastrous 47 years as a career politician. President Trump exposed Biden as the Trojan horse for the radical socialist left that he is. The president reiterated his plan for a second term, including creating 10 million jobs within 10 months, hiring more police, banning sanctuary cities, upholding religious
liberty, and protecting Social Security. |
President Trump delivered the perfect speech at the RNC, which contrasted his three and a half years of success with Joe Biden’s nearly five decades of failure. Before China’s coronavirus hit our shores, America’s economy was reaching record heights, and we are already seeing that again as the economy recovers. The S&P 500 continues to reach new historic records, and the Dow Jones is well on its way to erase the plunge it saw during the coronavirus. Meanwhile, the only thing Joe Biden has ever accomplished was selling out America’s jobs to our foreign competitors. We saw that with NAFTA, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and the Paris Climate Accord. A Joe Biden presidency would be ruinous for our country. We can’t afford to ship our jobs overseas
as President Trump’s Great American Comeback continues to boom.
Riots Persist Under Democrat Leadership: For the last three months, rioters have continued to wreak havoc in Democrat-run cities. Democrats, including former Vice President Joe Biden, refuse to take a stand against the far-left radical anarchists burning down their cities. Portland has experienced nightly riots, which have cause injuries and death, since May. President Trump has offered to provide help to Portland by sending in federal authorities and the National Guard, but Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has refused any assistance. We recently saw riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin. However, unlike in Portland, Wisconsin officials actually accepted the president’s help and the violent riots were quelled as a result. |
It’s unfortunate that many Democrat leaders would rather watch their cities burn than accept help from President Trump. The riots in cities like Portland would come to an abrupt end if local leaders allowed the president to get involved and take control of the situation. We saw exactly that in Kenosha. If Joe Biden would take a quick break from his confused ego trip and tell Democrat leaders to accept federal aid in order to stop looting and rioting, they would likely accept assistance from the president in a heartbeat. However, rather than help out in the situation, Biden wants to politicize the left-wing violence because he, for some reason, thinks it will help him in the polls. In reality, President Trump is the law and order candidate in this race, and the American
people know it. |
America’s Law Enforcement Support President Trump: As former Vice President Joe Biden has continued to turn his back on our nation’s law enforcement, police organizations across America have loudly professed their support for President Trump. The president is receiving new major law enforcement endorsements on an almost weekly basis. These endorsements have included the National Association of Police Organizations, the Florida Police Benevolent Association, the New York City Police Benevolent Association, and the International Union of Police Associations. Most recently, the Southern States Police Benevolent Association and the National Troopers Coalition have all endorsed President Trump. |
The nation’s police are endorsing President Trump because he is the only presidential candidate in this election who has their backs. When Joe Biden was asked if he would redirect funding away from our police, he responded “yes, absolutely.” Biden has continued to back the looters and rioters in our streets instead of supporting our police officers who are defending the innocent. Many of the police organizations endorsing President Trump had previously endorsed Democrats in the past, including the Obama-Biden ticket. President Trump stands for safety and security. Joe Biden only stands for whatever he thinks will make the far-left base of his party happy. |
Joe Biden Refuses to Take Blame for Riots: Former Vice President Joe Biden refuses to take blame for the riots sweeping America’s Democrat-run cities. On Monday, Biden gave a speech accusing President Trump of causing division in America and said these riots were occurring under the president’s watch. In reality, the truth of the matter is that these riots are perpetrated by liberals, and President Trump has offered to help every jurisdiction in America that needs it. As we have seen in Kenosha, when the president’s help is accepted, the violence comes to an end.
Joe Biden and the Democrats mistakenly think that the riots will help them in this upcoming election by energizing “the base.” They are probably refusing President Trump’s help so that the riots last through Election Day. This isn’t about the American people to Joe Biden and his comrades. It’s about whatever he thinks will win him the election this November. Sadly for him, and fortunately for America, the American people are anti-rioting and anti-looting and will punish the Democrats, from Joe Biden down, for this lawlessness. |
President Trump Hits the Road: Yesterday, President Trump visited Kenosha, Wisconsin, to survey the damage from the riots that occurred before he sent in the National Guard and to ensure the city would be safe moving forward. Today, the president will be delivering remarks at the U.S.S. Battleship North Carolina on designating Wilmington, North Carolina, as the first American World War II Heritage City. Tomorrow, he will be making a campaign stop to speak in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. |
President Trump is visiting key swing states this week that are very important to his re-election this November. The president won Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania in 2016, and he is well on his way to winning them once again. Unlike Joe Biden, who has spent most the election so far in his basement, President Trump has been traveling across America and personally connecting with Americans as he marches toward a November 3rd win.