Hi John,

Sadly, once again due to the extension of Covid Level 2, we have had to delay the public meeting to save Kāpiti Airport.

The new date is Tuesday September 22nd, at 5.15pm. Still at St Paul's Church.

The petition is going really well and you can sign it here. If you want to learn more about some of the specific issues such as safety, flight numbers, Airways services, then check this video series, in which I try to explain AFIS using a packet of Jet Planes!

In the meantime, we have just under six weeks to go until the election on October 17th. I've spent all of Covid Level 2 out visiting local businesses and checking in on people to understand the impact at a deeply local level.

While many in our community are doing ok, we have been hit by job losses and a slowing economy (even though some of the trades are doing really well) and we need to be thinking about what the next 6-12 months hold. If you'd like to know more about how National will create jobs and stimulate the economy, then you can read about it here. You can also click the images above to read about some of our key policies.

At a very local level, I have worked hard over the last ten months to win for our region the very things you've been asking me for: a new school and more funding for schools with ageing buildings; better transport, including the Peka Peka interchange, rail to Ōtaki and an expressway to Levin; and I'll keep fighting hard for more GPs and health services in our local community.

I need your support to make this a reality. Please vote for me in October.

Kind regards,

Tim Costley

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