
Greetings from the Rep. John Bucy Campaign for Texas State House! As we all know, election day is fast approaching, and in some respects, it can't come soon enough.

We at Team Bucy are ready to ramp up our efforts to reach out to voters in the district, engage them, listen to them, and get them to the polls. Holding onto this seat for Democrats will be essential during this very pivotal election cycle and will continue to allow Rep. Bucy to do great work for the people in this community and Texas.

We hope you'll join us on Wednesday, September 9th at 5:30 pm CST as we gather for our Fall Volunteer Kick Off Event! We'll review the state of the race, review and provide training for new and classic tools, and engage in the great task ahead of us.

Thank you, we look forward to speaking with you soon.

It is an honor to give
my best,
xxxxxx Bradfield

Deputy Campaign Manager
John Bucy for Texas | https://bucyfortexas.com/