PFAW Member, this news sucks ... but we can do something about it. Republicans are launching a new pro-Trump super PAC, funded by some of the GOP’s biggest donors like casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and led by Chris LaCivita, the Republican operative behind the infamous ‘Swift Boat Veterans for Truth’ lie-filled smear campaign against John Kerry in 2004. POLITICO reports: “The new organization, Preserve America, is poised to begin a $30 million advertising blitz, an amount that's likely to escalate in the weeks to come”!!! “Preserve America’s first commercials will begin airing Tuesday in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Iowa, and Georgia.” According to reports, the Biden-Harris campaign has been outspending Trump on TV in some key swing states but that’s about to get turned on its head, as the Far Right’s top donors start coming out of the woodwork to dump tens of millions of dollars into smearing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with fictitious attacks we can’t even imagine. And these attacks will be repeated ad nauseam on the Internet and by the GOP’s massive right-wing media complex. The way we fight back is by exposing the lies, with highly targeted persuasion and GOTV messaging to key voters in battleground states, and with PEOPLE POWERED organizing and new tools to connect volunteers with voters. We can do it. We can win in November and take our country back from the clutches of Trumpism. But only together, and only with every progressive chipping in and doing their part. Chip in anything you can right now>> We always expected this to be the ugliest election in modern history, but it’s about to get a whole lot nastier. You're continued support and action are truly needed now more than ever. Thanks for everything you do! -- PFAW’s Elections Team