The presidential race is getting so close in Ohio, folks.
Any time I see a poll with Joe Biden ahead, I see another favoring Donald Trump -- all within the margin of error. It's becoming clearer by the day that not only is Ohio a battleground state, it's the battleground state this year.

We know that this race is going to come down to turnout, so we're spending big on digital ads, direct mail, texting and more to turn out Democratic voters across the Buckeye State this year through our "Make It Count" campaign.
I won't sugarcoat it, team -- voter turnout is a massive expense. But the more we raise from grassroots donors like you, the more we can invest in our critical programs and the closer we get to securing a victory in November.
If you're able, can you chip in $10 right now to turn out Democratic voters in Ohio?
Greg Beswick
Executive Director
Ohio Democratic Party