SIGN YOUR NAME NOW to personally endorse Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for President and Vice President >>


California has always been a guiding light for this country. We stand for equality. Fairness. Justice for all. Hope.

But the fight for our values has been hindered by the Trump administration -- who have actively worked against our progress since day one in office.

In November, we have an opportunity to elect leaders who reflect our California values. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are exactly who we need in the White House -- so we can finally make real progress on climate change, racial justice, economic opportunity, gun safety, and more.

It won’t be easy -- we need to do everything we can to ensure voter turnout is high in November, so we want to know where our supporters stand right now.

Tell us, do you support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? Sign your name now to personally endorse their campaign >>

With less than two months until Election Day, we need to make sure our grassroots movement is strong.

Thanks for adding your voice!

Team Gavin