opponent caught lying. AGAIN. →

We don’t want to take up too much of your time, but there’s a campaign update you should know: Our corporate lobbyist opponent went on a Twitter rant making baseless attacks against Mikie.

Our opponent’s attacks arrive on the heels of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and Infowars’ Alex Jones attacking Mikie and a major GOP super PAC committing nearly $90 MILLION to defeat Democrats like her.

If you can, rush in a contribution to help us fight back →

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Our opponent and her allies are doing everything they can to distract from Mikie’s proven track record of working to get things done for New Jerseyans, including securing critical funding and resources for hospitals and frontline workers, expanding access to health care, and giving small businesses the support they need to get through this health and economic crisis.

Meanwhile, our opponent continues being a lobbyist while she simultaneously runs for office.

There are fewer than two months left until Election Day, and the most important deadline of the election so far -- the final FEC end-of-quarter deadline -- is at the end of the month. We’re hoping to bring in 250 small-dollar contributions by midnight tonight to counter our opponents’ attacks. If you can, please chip in now.


Team Mikie

Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043

Mikie Sherrill was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. Use of her military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.