Weekly Reads
“Any effort to build race consciousness within an organization should be owned and driven by everyone in the organization, from the mailroom to the boardroom.” [more]
– Anthony Richardson, Nord Family Foundation, on Center for Effective Philanthropy
“[O]nly 1% of grantmaking from the 25 [community] foundations that we looked at was specifically designated to benefit Black communities, even though a combined 15% of these 25 cities’ populations are Black. Put another way, these 25 foundations together distributed $78 in funding per person in their communities, but only $6 per Black person in their communities.” [more]
– Black Funding Denied: Community Foundation Support for Black Communities, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
“When it comes to race, equity, access, diversity, and inclusion, we often engage in both-siding without realizing it, in the process allowing toxic and uninformed views to cloud discussions on racism, ableism, misogyny, etc. It is important to recognize it so we can put a stop to it.” [more]
– Vu Le, Nonprofit AF