Get inspired with Lisa Damour and Lynn Lyons
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Grab a friend and join us for an evening of inspiration and education at our annual Parent Ed events on the West Coast ([link removed]) and East Coast ([link removed]) this fall.
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Kids Under Pressure and What We Can Do About It
There is a rising tide of stress and anxiety surrounding our youth today with unprecedented pressure to achieve at all costs. Join Lisa Damour ([link removed]) , best-selling author and psychologist, and Challenge Success Co-Founders Madeline Levine and Denise Pope to learn more about the value of healthy stress, the risks of unhealthy stress, and practical solutions for how families and schools can support kids to have balanced and fulfilling lives through K-12, college, and beyond.
Purchase $10 Tickets ([link removed])
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Raising Kids in the Age of Anxiety
What can parents and educators do to help young people escape the influx of anxiety that seems so prevalent today? Join Lynn Lyons, ([link removed]) clinical social worker and psychotherapist and Challenge Success co-founder Denise Pope, to explore concrete and often counter-intuitive strategies to understand and manage stress and support kids to have balanced, fulfilled lives.
Purchase $10 Tickets ([link removed])
Strategies for Student Well-Being and Engagement with Learning
** Challenge Success ([link removed])
partners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being and engagement with learning. We believe that our society has become too focused on grades, test scores, and performance, leaving little time for kids to develop the skills necessary to become independent, resilient, and ethical individuals. Learn more about our ** impact ([link removed])
and how to ** support ([link removed])
our mission. Challenge Success is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Stanford University Graduate School of Education.
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