Dear John,
I am thrilled to share an exciting opportunity for faithful, life-loving partners just like you!
A generous donor has graciously provided a ONE-DAY Matching Grant of $10,000 to accelerate the rescue of preborn children from abortion and help launch the NEW pro-life Telehealth Care Center in Chicago.
That means any gift you give TODAY ONLY will automatically be TRIPLED, up to $10,000, when combined with the $500,000 Matching Grant in effect until September 30.
If you give $50, it will have $150 worth of impact. If you give $100, it will have $300 worth of impact. But you must give by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to have TRIPLE the impact.
As you know, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry are not backing down in their effort to exploit vulnerable moms. In fact, their efforts to push the deadly procedure have only increased during the COVID-19 pandemic as moms are feeling even more stress, anxiety, and fear than ever before.
It’s simple: the rescue effort must accelerate, because the lives of innocent children are on the line. To do nothing in this moment would mean Planned Parenthood reaching more mothers facing an unexpected pregnancy. And instead of providing the real hope and help a mom needs in that moment of fear, that mom will be told that an abortion is the solution to her “problem.”
That’s why the opportunity to launch a Telehealth Care Center in Cook County, Illinois, is so important. Cook County includes the city of Chicago, which has one of the highest abortion rates in the country. It’s a spiritually dark place in desperate need of the hope and help that YOU can provide.
God opened the door for this strategic expansion into a community with urgent need. And by giving today, YOU can shine a light into the darkness. You can combat the culture of death. You can rescue more children faster, because the need is so great.
Will you make TRIPLE the impact and accelerate the rescue of preborn children from abortion with a gift RIGHT NOW?

You can help reach thousands of scared moms. You can show them that they are not alone. You can empower them with the resources they need to choose life for their child… You can give them hope.
By acting quickly TODAY, you will make TRIPLE the impact in reaching moms and rescuing children from abortion. But this ONE-DAY Matching Grant expires at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.
Will you give today to help reach the $10,000 One-Day Matching Grant goal and rescue even more children from abortion?

John: Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Every dollar you give until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT will be TRIPLED, up to $10,000. Your gift will reach more moms considering abortion with a message of hope. Your gift will bring a new Telehealth Care Center to one of the most abortion-dense cities in America. In short, your gift will help save many more lives.
Can I count on you to give TODAY??
Thank you for answering the call and standing up for the dignity of preborn children. You are a blessing to so many families!
For Life,
Rachel Lane
National Director of Family Services
P.S. Don’t forget – your gift automatically TRIPLES up to $10,000, when paired with the ONE-DAY Matching Grant. A gift of $50 has $150 worth of impact. Please give NOW before the Grant expires!