COVID-19 has created many different challenges for families, school choice helps mitigate that. Leverage policymaking takes a hit.
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September 8, 2020
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Peace In the Middle East Is Good, But the UAE Is Not an “Advanced Democracy” ([link removed] )
Although improving relations between Israel and any Arab state should help moderate regional conflict, attempting to whitewash the United Arab Emirates, a repressive, militaristic dictatorship, is dangerous and dishonest.
- Peace Yes, but Please Don't Whitewash UAE Dictatorship ([link removed] )
By Doug Bandow
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Families Need Educational Flexibility During the Pandemic ([link removed] )
Families are in need of educational options now more than ever as we deal with the coronavirus pandemic.
- Pennsylvania Must Fund Students, Not School Districts ([link removed] )
By Corey A. DeAngelis
The “Unfortunate Innovation” of Leverage Policymaking ([link removed] )
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It sounds like a mafia tactic, but “leverage policymaking” is all too real for companies tied up in federal court. Will Yeatman and Caleb O. Brown discuss the problem with policymaking without underlying legislation and deliver some promising recent pushback.
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