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** Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 8 September
In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news <[link removed]> and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts <[link removed]> on our website.
** Secularism in the media
* Bishop of Manchester takes seat in House of Lords <[link removed]>
The bishop of Manchester, the Rt Rev David Walker, has taken his seat in the House of Lords.
ITV News
* MSPs call for evidence on incorporating UN rights of the child into Scots law <[link removed]>
MSPs have called for evidence on proposals to incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law.
* Opponents sound warnings over proposed hate crime legislation <[link removed]>
The details of submissions made by several groups with concerns over the Scottish government's proposed hate crime bill have been made public.
Scottish Legal News
* Girls are marrying early amid coronavirus school closures <[link removed]>
The pandemic's impact is long-term: the UN warns that it could lead to 13 million more child marriages over a decade.
The Guardian
* Human rights groups condemn police raid on 'gay party' in Indonesia <[link removed]>
The Indonesian government has been urged to urgently investigate a police raid on a so-called "gay party" that resulted in the arrests of nine men.
SBS News
* Labour throws support behind Dying with Dignity Bill in Ireland <[link removed]>
Ireland's Labour Party has thrown its support behind a bill which seeks to allow terminally ill people to access services to help them die.
Irish Examiner
* ‘Australia cannot capitulate to Catholic crusade against contraception over Covid-19’ <[link removed]>
The Catholic Church has protested against the Australian government's decision to support Oxford University's coronavirus vaccine development. Governments mustn't capitulate to these demands, says Dana Forrest.
Uncommon Ground Media
* Religious leader who blamed gay marriage for coronavirus now has coronavirus <[link removed]>
A Ukrainian church leader who blamed the emergence of coronavirus on same-sex marriage has now contracted the disease.
** From the NSS archive
* Sudan deserves a secular democracy <[link removed]>
A secular democracy is the only way to protect the rights of the Sudanese people, says Nahla Mahmoud.
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