Can we count on your support today?

Celebrate CPUSA@101!

Dear John,


Happy Labor Day!


If you had the stomach to watch the 2020 Republican National Convention, you might agree it gave new meaning to the term “gaslighting.” The RNC adopted no platform other than building a cult around Trump, a serial rapist, liar, and white supremacist, while painting the Biden-Harris ticket as wild-eyed socialists, hell-bent on destroying the country.


Republicans display fawning sycophancy more appropriate to fascist dictators like Benito Mussolini while spewing all manner of racism, lies, conspiracy theories, and unabashed narcissism to sow hate, polarize voters, and retain power.  The GOP has degenerated into a corrupt regime party of destructive policies.


Help the CPUSA tell the truth, organize and oust Trump and his GOP enablers by donating here during the Fall CPUSA Fund Appeal!


The damage inflicted by Trump upon government and society is pervasive.  If Trump wins, things can get far, far worse, including more corruption, racial hate and violence, authoritarianism, and fascism.


But if Trump is defeated, then a science-based approach to defeating Covid-19 can be implemented and the mass democratic movements can continue to fight on a more favorable terrain for expanded unemployment benefits, living wages, universal healthcare, a Green New Deal, taxing the rich, addressing systemic racism and sexism, labor law reform, a path to citizenship for immigrants, cancelling college debt, and expanding voting rights.


We will not be silent nor sit on the sidelines. You know what is at stake. Please donate generously to ensure we can defeat this menace decisively.


Our Party has grown, including among young activists. Party clubs and members are working in coalition to get out the vote – a significant challenge during the pandemic – and join the fantastic grassroots movement against voter suppression in defense of democracy and a stolen election. 


Please generously donate to the CPUSA fund drive. Can we count on you to be one of 100 members or supporters to donate $101 to celebrate our 101st anniversary?


If you already donated this year, thank you!  We know times are stressful, but perhaps you can donate again?  Every dollar makes a difference!


Please urge your family, friends, and other comrades to join you. And remember, monthly dues and recurring donations are essential too!


If you would like to speak with Party members in your area about mobilizing the vote or the CPUSA in general, please email: [email protected] or write: CPUSA, 235 West 23rd Street, 7th Floor, New York NY 10011 or call (212) 989-4994.  You can also use this address to mail your donation (Checks and Money Orders payable to “CPUSA”). Thanks for your support!


Yours in the struggle,


John Bachtell

For the Fundraising Collective, CPUSA



Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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