
On this day, and every day, we honor achievements of our ancestors in the workforce who helped us secure fair wages, hours, and treatment by employers.

That work is never done -- our labor unions continue to fight for these rights.

Now more than ever, we need to celebrate and support our friends in labor. From the teachers going the extra mile to get students ready for distance learning, to the nurses taking care of our family and friends during a global pandemic, all the way to the essential workers who have made sure our store shelves are stocked and our take-out food is ready for pick up -- we owe so much to our workers.

In Congress, I have bold policy plans to make sure our workers get relief in the aftermath of this pandemic, to develop hazard pay for first responders, healthcare employees, and sanitation workers who are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to repair our country's crumbling infrastructure.

Working hand-in-hand with our friends in unions, we will create a better working environment for millions of workers -- which will make our country better for us all.

So today, thank a member of a union for their hard work and dedication.

With love,
