I hope you're enjoying a beautiful Labor Day and taking some time today to celebrate safely with family and friends.

I also hope you're able to join me in reflecting on our right to organize and the labor movement that secured key protections for American workers, like reasonable working hours, weekends, safety standards, and holidays like today.

Before I ran for office or represented the state of Montana in a courtroom, I was a labor lawyer representing Montana unions and workers. I represented all kinds of folks who were wrongfully denied protections.

I saw firsthand that corporations have a nasty habit of taking advantage of their workers to make a profit.

Today, we reaffirm our commitment to organized labor. Will you add your name next to mine in support of workers everywhere and our right to organize?


I'm going to continue fighting to make sure that all workers have safe working conditions, protection from discrimination, and the opportunity to build a better life for themselves and their families.

But no one person secured weekends, holidays, and safety standards for American workers.

It took a whole movement of people raising their voices to stick up for each other. And it will take all of us to continue the critical work we have to do to build on what this movement has provided us.

Will you add your name next to mine to support workers and our right to organize?


Thanks so much for adding your voice today. Have a great rest of your holiday.

— Steve