
Ward 4 DC Councilmember Brandon Todd sold out DC voters when he voted to overturn Initiative-77, the ballot measure raising wages for restaurant workers in the city.

So we’re fighting back! 

Tomorrow Councilmember Todd is holding a big money fundraiser with the same corporate restaurant interests he sided with last year, and we’ll be there to fight back! Will you join?

What: Rally to tell Brandon Todd to work for voters, not big donors!

Where: Cinder Neighborhood BBQ, 800 Upshur St. NW  

When: Tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 4th at 4pm

Big money corporate restaurant interests spent at least $150,000 to convince Councilmembers like Brandon Todd to overturn the votes of DC residents. Will you join with DC residents to call him out directly outside his big money fundraiser?

Additionally, Todd took almost $7,000 in direct contributions from the restaurant industry, and at least another $7,000 from developers looking to build a detention center in DC and developers who allowed the collapse of United Medical Center.

We’re rallying tomorrow to CALL OUT Brandon Todd and demand a democracy in our city that works for everyone, not just big money donors.

Will you join us and make your voice heard?

MAYDAY America


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