Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, working families and the middle class were struggling in America. Now, six months into this nightmare, 30 million Americans are out of work — many with little prospect of returning to a paid job any time soon.

In addition to having the world's highest death toll, Trump's gross mishandling of the pandemic has made the economic pain inflicted on American workers much worse than it would have been. Trump's recession — combined with his corporate tax giveaways and anti-labor policies — has further deepened income inequality, exacerbated the racial wealth gap, and is doing lasting harm to the next generation.

Yet as tens of millions struggle to pay rent and put food on the table, Trump continues to boast about the performance of the stock market, and Republicans continue to block legislation to provide much-needed support to help everyday Americans get through these challenging times. Donald Trump and his enablers have a twisted vision for America: one where unions are broken, and workers are powerless — without a livable wage, adequate benefits, or a safe workplace.

That's why this Labor Day, as we seek to safely enjoy the company of family and friends, it's more important than ever to reflect on what kind of America we want to live in and how much is at stake this November.

Add your name here to let me know that you are 100% committed to winning this critical fight to strengthen the future of American workers and reject Donald Trump's cronyism that rewards the powerful and wealthy at the expense of the middle class and those struggling to join the middle class.


Supporting workers and their families is a moral and economic imperative.

Happy Labor Day, and thank you for being in this fight!
