“Tesco, do you know the impact that your business is causing the Indigenous People and the environment here in Brazil? The Amazon is burning, the environment is at risk. We are living in one of the worst crises of all times. We want to know if you are willing to fulfil your promise and end business with environmental destroyers and those violating the rights of the Indigenous People. Which side are you on?” - Sônia Guajajara
Hi John,
Right now we’re outside Tesco’s HQ with an important message from Sônia Guajajara, an Indigenous leader from Brazil. We’ve parked an advertisement van with a giant video screen right outside Tesco’s main building and are playing Sonia’s appeal in the hope that Tesco’s bosses inside will take note.
Sônia’s community, home, and way of life are directly under threat because forests are being slashed and burned to meet the world's demand for industrial meat.
Can you help us get Sonia’s message directly to Tesco? We need to take over Tesco’s social media pages, and let them know that we stand with Sonia in protecting the Amazon and other forests from industrial meat.