Dear friend,

I first learned about what it means to serve our country from my dad. After immigrating to America as a young boy in the 1930s, my dad joined the Navy and served in the Pacific where he witnessed two of America’s nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands.

Joe Biden also knows what it means to have someone close to you serve in the military. When he was serving as Vice President, his son Beau deployed to Iraq. Joe understood his son’s call to service and he knew the stakes for military families like his when he was in the room helping make decisions on foreign policy and matters of war.

Donald Trump has never afforded any respect to those who sacrifice everything for a cause greater than themselves. That has been made especially clear with Trump calling fallen Marines “suckers,” denigrating prisoners of war as “losers,” and disrespecting wounded and disabled veterans. His despicable comments are exactly what we’ve now come to expect from this self-serving, unfit president.

Throughout my time in the Senate, I have fought hard to make sure we keep our promises to our veterans. I also work each day on the Armed Services Committee to support our vital military missions in New Mexico and provide all of the equipment and resources members of our military serving around the globe need. I can tell you that we are never going to be able do right by these patriotic Americans as long as we have a commander in chief who is so clearly not up to the task.

We must remember the sacrifices that brave Americans have made and continue to make today so we can live in a country that stands for democracy. Your vote is critical to keeping our democracy alive.


Martin Heinrich





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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125