Team, here’s what we’re up against.

Cory’s far-right opponent has already pumped over $300,000 of his own money into this race — and he’s promised we can expect more where that came from.

But that’s not how we run our campaign. Early on in this race, Cory committed to not accept a dime from corporate PACs — it may not have been the easy option, but it was the right one. That means everything we do is fueled by grassroots donors just like you who chip in $5 or $10 at a time to support Cory’s re-election.

But with less than 60 days to go until Election Day and our opponent promising to dig deeper into his own pockets, we simply can’t afford to let our foot off the gas. This part of the year is important in every election cycle, but in the time of COVID-19 and without traditional field and GOTV programs, that couldn’t be more true. That’s why we’re asking for your help today.

Will you make a donation — of any amount — to Cory’s campaign today? Together we can defeat those who try to buy our elections, but only if each one of us fights harder today than we did yesterday, one day after another, all the way through election day.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our team has spent the last few months reconfiguring our plans to make sure we send Cory back to the Senate in 2021. We’ve innovated new and exciting ways to reach voters and forged communities online that traditionally would have been found in field offices. We’ve adapted the campaign to make sure we’re as safe and effective as possible during a global pandemic.

It’s been hard, but fighting for what’s right is worth it — and thanks to folks like you who chip in to emails like this one, it’s possible. Thanks for donating today, if you can. It really matters.

Booker HQ