A Labor Day Weekend message from the Prospect
Prospect Writing Fellow Marsha Brown reports on the end of union representation at the Plain Dealer, Cleveland’s daily newspaper since 1842. In case you missed this piece published in June, Brown looks at how Advance Publications created a union-busting model for media conglomerates to emulate, honed through a century of hostility to labor.

Advance Publications is privately held, with principal ownership resting with the heirs of 20th century media mogul Samuel I. Newhouse. In addition to newspapers, it owns Condé Nast (publisher of Vogue, Vanity Fair and The New Yorker, among others), along with large stakes in Discovery, Inc., and social media site Reddit.

This is the story of how Advance destroyed the nation’s oldest newspaper union, deeply wounding Cleveland’s daily in the process. Read the story here.

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The American Prospect

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